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Posts tagged ‘UX Designers’

Top Blogs Every UX Designer Should Follow in 2015

In this competitive world every one want to be a professional and they all are finding good teachers and good online courses to improve their skills. Here we are going to UX Designer ( User Experience Design) or UXD, UED. Most of the people don’t know about the what is mean of UX Designer, UX Designer ( User Experience Design) is a process of intensified user gratification by improving feeling provided in the physical phenomenon between user and product, usability and ease of use.

Top Blogs Every for UX Designer Should Follow in 2015

Top Blogs Every UX Designer Should Follow in 2015

Here in this article we are going to provide you list of website and details of them, which is very helpful for those people who want to be a good and professional UX Designer. These websites and blogs provide you very knowledge about the UX Designer.

Top Blogs Every UX Designer Should Follow in 2015

UX Pin Blog

This website provides free keys for students to start prototyping during UI/UX class at FIT. This website also features article about documentation, UX, product management, design. They also publish free e-books.

Nielsen Norman Group

This website provides information about the research, interface evaluations and report. I must re-command you a video of DON Norman’s TED talk, which is quite helpful for you to make good design.

User Experience Magazine

This website provide you article about the board field of user experience and these article are unique and significant article.

Smashing Magazine

This website provides you best information stuff about web designers and web developers. This magazine also features the article about usability and interaction design, UX related topics and information architecture.

UX Matters

This website provides you basic knowledge and professional working knowable about the UX. This website also provide sUX strategies and designing digital product user experiences that optimizes any user need to satisfy their desires.

UX Magazine

UX Magazine provides you information about the all faces of UX. Their team also work professionals in all areas of UX.


Designmodo is one of the best sources of web developers and designers. This website provides you the latest information about UX and also provide tutorial.

A List Apart

This website provides you information about exploring web design, most cutting edge method, development, and technologies with a special grandness on web standards.

Boxes and Arrows

In this website you can get information about the topics like UX, design, research and business. This website also provides you practice, discussion and innovation regarding design, graphic design, interaction design, design of business and information architecture.

We hope that, theseĀ Top Blogs for Every UX Designer, is going to help you a lot. If you have any question, then ask by commenting.

Wes Anderson teaches 5 Things to UX and UI Designers

Wes Anderson is a film director and always make a visual masterpiece movie for us. Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Moonrise Kingdom are the best example his movies. Wes Anderson also has very good interaction with the mobile user interface UI and user experience (UX) designers.

Wes Anderson teaches 5 Things to UX and UI Designers

Wes Anderson teaches 5 Things to UX and UI Designers

And these designers also get more wonderful ideas from him. Designer learn and improve many things and after that Wes Anderson use that technique in his movies to make more visual artistic to people. You can also get some tips from Wes Anderson, ‘ Wes Anderson teaches 5 Things to UX and UI Designers ‘ are given below:

  • Pay Attention to Details:-Wes Anderson knows as Most Meticulous filmmakers alive. Our main motive is to give proper attention details, like set design, typography and color palettes. Wes Anderson also works with graphic designers for his movie, so that to get a proper feel for it.
  • Composition and Symmetry Matter:-Composition and symmetry of the thing are very important. Grid structures help to achieve structural balance and also brings attention to visual cues and call to action.
  • Research Guides the Content:-Research on the topic is very import, for a film maker it is important that, he must choose best shooting location for his movie. For mobile designer, it is important that to build well-balanced composition layouts and create visual order.
  • Color Palettes:-Color palettes are very important, always create wonderful color palettes. Create attractive color background.
  • Focus on storytelling:-Always provide big pictures for the app and make that picture meaningful, mean that pictures tell the story of that app, it makes a good impression on the user.

These are the 5 Things that every UX and UI Designers could learn from Wes Anderson. If you have any question regarding this you can ask in the comment box.