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In the last few year Microsoft makes many changes in the .Net Framework. They launch many versions of this application to improve the work and this year they also launch the new version of .Net Framework and name of the version is .Net Framework 4.5.

New .Net Framework 4.5 Features and Enhancements

New .Net Framework 4.5 Features and Enhancements

Here in this article we are going to share with you New .Net Framework 4.5 Features and Enhancements. We give you detail description of every point that we are going to be discussed in the article.

New .Net Framework 4.5 Features and Enhancements

Memory Exceptions

One of the biggest problems of memory exception is solved in this version. This error occurred when object created and store in the heap. After some time some object is removed and some not and free memory is generated but that is scattered. When you use a large application then, it shows less memory for your app. At the time of run time application is not able to use that memory.

On Demand Compaction of Large-Object Heap

On Demand Compaction of Large-Object Heap feature is also introduced in this version. In this feature, it’s compact all the free memory and when memory exceptions are come then it provides the On Demand Compaction of Large-Object Heap.

ADO.Net Connection Resiliency

Now you don’t have to write broken code by using connection resiliency, now inbuilt features of this version re-create the broken connection to the database.

Profile Optimization

The Profile Optimization feature is introduced in .net framework 4.5 to minimize the application start-up time. This is all done by multiple processors and across Just in Time Compiler (JIT) runs in a background thread.

Server GC: Garbage Collection Enhancements

.Net need managed environment to clean all unused objects, but with the help of Server GC this is no longer needed. GC suspends all the thread when it was busy cleaning the memory.

Improvement in Profiling and Debugging

Microsoft also improves the profiling and debugging in this version.

We hope these all new feature helps you a lot. If you have any question and query about the New .Net Framework 4.5 Features and Enhancements, then you can ask by commenting.

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